Mistral’s Twin Air Technology is not just another stab in the dark at improving inflatable fabrication techniques. But an entirely new and patented process of construction in which Mistral shall have exclusive use of in the coming years in order to raise the quality of inflatable boards.
Mistral have extended the Twin Air Technology® to embrace Sup and Windsurfing designs, to create a more rigid and high performance craft using ultra light woven drop stitch fabric.
Mistral are also offering up Mistral Mini-Mal Surfboards, which represent the purest form of water fun a person can have beyond swimming. Elegant and beautifully designed, they fit in perfectly to our expansion into other water sports.
Last, but not least, Mistral Windsurfer LT is a new seminal historic moment, where two of the most influential brands come together, with the original updated stock Windsurfer® embraced and branded as a Mistral board in the spirit of nurturing the rebirth of the grass roots foundation of the sport which is proving very much in demand.
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